Tuesday, June 7, 2011

For all that happened, I never realized it.

I have a father who thinks I'm incapable of completing a degree.
By so means I've got no money to go uni which I'm not really afraid off.

But the other thing is that I would wish that my father, Lee Chin Guan will go to hell.

He failed to raise his kids and refuses to pay for their college fee. What the hell is that?

Oh well.

People changes
Life changes

I guess I'll be having a whole different kind of life now.

May all go well.

Pray hard for me to find the remaining RM40k.

1 comment:

  1. Ker, we have the same problem,
    family problem really fml..

    But, believe that, everything gonna be alright,
    we do the best, god do the rest!
