Teenagers suffer depression, who doesn't, but the point is how do we cope with them.
I'm no expert in coping with depression, but I've tried to keep my thoughts positive so that I would die because of it, which I totally won't do so.
Although things hasn't been going the way I wanted, but I'm still breathing, so just suck it up and go on with it.
Life is filled with endless ups and downs. A minute you're up and the next you might be even lower than you were before, but that doesn't stop us from moving, does it?
I've been told that we only live once, if we don't fight for ourselves, who will?
But the thing that I'm feeling now is that I'm not happy with myself, like those anxious teenage girl.
I've so went through that stage, but what I'm trying to state here is that I'm not happy with myself as I don't know who am I, and what the hell am I doing.
I've changed from a this self centered person that complains about everything that bugs him to someone who just accept facts that is changes everything and just watch them go by.
What happened to me? I've lost all the will to change things, to make things better, to have a brighter future.
I'm just talking crap here.
Be Strong and others will be strong for you