Friday, April 15, 2011

This is a blog for all the idiots who asked people question and refuses to accept the answer that the person gave you and kept repeating the question over and over again.

First and fore most, you've gotta realize you're an idiot.
Please do, just because I'm working here as a temp staff who picks up the phone non stop even though I am not the receptionist and all the people in this office are like "the phone is ringing but it's none of my business", t (o_o) t
Most of the calls are for these bitches and they don't even pick up the damn phone.


Secondly, idiot callers.

It's always like this

Caller A: Hi, can I know the price of Double A paper?
Me: erm, You need to speak to our distributors.
C: Can you give me any contact.
M: You can go to our website and check the Distributor List out.
C: I cannot buy directly from you ah?
M: No you can't, you need to speak to our distributors.

Notice anything?
Geez. These people ah, super annoying.
I already told you to contact distributor, and you still can buy directly.
WTF, if you can buy directly, why would I call you to call distributor?


Foreign callers

C: Hi I'm calling from ..... (somewhere out of malaysia). Can I buy paper from you?
M: You wanna export is it?
C: yes, I wanna export to ..
M: You need to contact thailand, and this is the number ....
C: But I cannot buy directly from you?

Notice anything?
Same case as local callers.
Where are the brain of these people?

But that day there was one really cooperative caller, and he said" thanks for you help. I really appreciate it."
OMG, I was like so happy when I hear this, cause for the past few months working as a temp here, it's the first time I was thanked that way. LOL

Oh well,
work's a bitch.


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