Tuesday, June 25, 2013

There weren't any mics, you can hear that annoying aircond sound.

Just a lousy cam corder that can't even record HD.

The sound so grand, that almost brought me to tears.

We were only a high school band, with normal instruments.

But the sound, it's simply too beautiful.

I will be forever proud.

Proud of us, we managed to produce such good music.


Friday, June 14, 2013

How I look at 4am.

I'm again stuck on writing this frigging report.
It's not hard, but then I'm just stuck.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

There are times that I wonder why I don't belong in that particular group of people, or why can't I befriend with that particular type of people.
Am I simply not good enough to be valued by the other party?
Or a lot of reasons more.

Of self hatred and self mocking.

Then I realize that I already have friends that I could count on till I die, why should I be bothered.
I'm a geek that plays music and computer games. Deal with it.

I guess there're times, where you can't help it to be struck by the superficial things in life.

Oh well. All iz well, except for the fact that I'm still not as progressive on my assignment.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Since I need to start writing my blog style assignment, so thought of starting off with my own, since it has been a while.

Well, life's been okay I guess. Of heading to gym, like reluctantly, of killing assignments one by one, of working part time due to the high wage.

So yeah, that's about it.


the thing that keeps me excited, my birthday party! weee.

But there's still a lot to be done.

So, wait till the exams are over then I'll have to do everything within one week, which hopefully is possible.

Anyway, keep calm.